Sunday, April 3, 2011


Hey everyone! So basically this is a short update, and I mean short...ish! So I celebrated my 1 year anniversay with the red cross and I love it just as much as I did on day 1! Also I'll be celebrating my 23rd bday soon, so exciting, Any ideas what i should do??? Hmmm what else....oh ya that supposed soulmate i talked about, ya way wrong he's a jerk! Most guys are although I finally saw the light and am now not attracted to the jerks anymore!!! YAY. 4 months until my contract is up.....Thank you lord! I can't wait to be out of here! I mean really who screams at the top of lungs over a movie?? oh ya that's right my roommates do! Also still no progress with the pants, maybe I should freak them out and not wear a shirt haha! Well thats all I can think of to say!

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